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Easter 2019 | Livia and Atticus 3/2019 | The Polish Lowland SheepdogNative to Poland, the Polski Owczarek Nizinny or PON, is a medium-size, shaggy sheepdog who is a loyal companion, devoted to family, willing to please, and highly intelligent herder. The PON can be stubborn if left to their own devices and needs proper training and socialization early on to develop and fine tune their behaviors. Because they can think for themselves and are extremely intelligent, along with having excellent memories, they learn bad behaviors along with good. |
Ponjude Kennel | Ponjude gang for winter stroll | Oskar (Misiu) |
Trinka with pup | DSC_0777 | Ponjude's Polish Dream litter |
Pawel | Elsie | Lovely Nora |
Pon Pasture | Zosia and Brew | Lovely Nora |
Ready to attack mom. | Nora playing with her momma | Nora at 9 months old. |
Zosia stealing the ball. | Misiu | Nora and Uncle Stosh |
Zosia and her kidsZosia with Stosh, Nora, Trinka, and Misiu | Merry Christmas! | chris christensen |
Nora at 9 months old | Nora's first BOB win!! | Trinka in Florida at Euanuba |
Nora in Feb snow | Trinka | Nora's first point! Erie PA |
Trinka i Nora | The Ponjude GangSo that's what we look like! Portrait drawn by Ewa Dobrzynska in Poland. | Baby Stosh |
Stosh | Ciacho | Brew |
CiachoSpring, 2010. | Ponjude's Lowlanders | Ciacho at Westminster, 2011 |
Kayaking in the AdirondacksThe Dyngus Day Litter in the Summer of 2012. | ZosiaIn the Adirondacks. | CiachoBaby Ciacho in Poland. Photo creation by Ciacho's breeder, Beata Lesniak-Malecka. |
Zosia | DuncanPonjude Kennel wouldn't be complete if we didn't show our lovely 12-year old Lab, Duncan! | BrunonBrew posing with his toys from Poland. |
Ciacho2013 AOM winner at the National Specialty. | The Lowlanders....Zosia's very first litter. | TrinkaGrooming day for the big show and first appearance at Westminster in New York City. Trinka won Select Bitch! |
Wild HorsesPerfection! Wild horses free to live on the beaches of North Carolina, Cordova Beach. | PON PastureOur pups enjoying their new PON pasture. | MisiuEnjoying the win at Harrisburg, PA. |
ZosiaQueen of the kennel....Miss Zosia. | The herders...PONs and Canada Geese on our pond. | Adorable Valais SheepCheck them out on FB at Valais Blacknose Sheep US Fan Club |
Trinka | Ciacho and TrinkaWedding Day! Trinka's first mating with Ciacho. Five beautiful pups were born..the Wooly Shepherd Litter, 2013. | Momma Zosia with son, StoshJanek Dane, AKA: Stosh, born 9/30/2010. |
Young ZosiaOur first PON, Zosia. | Janek Dane (Stasiu) | TrinkaTrinka on the move. |
Brew | Brew and Zosia at the Adirondacks.Photo masterfully painted by Beata Lesniak-Malecka in Poland. | BrewGolden boy...Brew. |
Brew and Zosia | Bialy Mis'Misiu, our white teddybear! Son of Zosia and Ciacho. Mis' is from Zosia's last litter. | Ice Pack ~ Stosh, Brew, and CiachoAward-winning photo of Ponjude's "Ice Pack," chosen by Chris Christensen Systems, 2014, photo contest. |
CiachoTranquility... | StoshChillin... | Zosia |
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